It is a proven fact that a healthy reading habit and a voracious appetite for books help to expand the intellectual horizons of children, apart from the educational aspects associated with literature and prose. Aditya Vidyashram has a well stocked Library, for the juniors and the seniors, with an impressive index of titles covering both fiction and non-fiction. Children are encouraged to make full use of the facilities offered and attempts are made to inculcate a love for books and reading amongst them, at an early age.
An excellent library with a good collection of books, Educational journals on various subjects including annual, monthly, weekly and daily issues and publications are maintained. A number of books are categorized as ‘Reference Books’. Manned by highly qualified personnel, the school Libraries promise to grow and flourish as the collection of titles is increased regularly in order to provide children with a wide variety to choose from School text books are available in the school store. To ensure uniformity to text books and note books and to circumvent the possibility of non-availability, parents are advised to take advantage of this facility offered by the School.