Aditya Vidyashram, Vivekam Branch, Puducherry celebrated Grand Parents Day for the Kinder Garten Class in a simple and good way. The senior Citizens were given a traditional welcome at the entrance and were taken to the venue. Considering their health … Under the title of Swachhata Pakhwada – part of swachha Bharat Abhiyan today we had a worthwhile Round Robin session in which class 6 students presented their excellent views on CLEAN AND GREEN IS A PERFECT SCENE The moment …
Today we have celebrated Grand parents day. The day honors grandparents and their contribution to the education and happiness of children everywhere. Show them you appreciate everything they do and their dedication for our growth. Surely we must show our …
Onam is a major harvest and cultural festival in the Indian state of Kerala. It’s celebrated by people all over the world, including Malayalis or Keralites . In our Villupuram campus the students observed this day. Children bought different flowers …
20 th Annual Sports day prize distribution happens today morning in Assembly, overall trophy won by NEPTUNE house
Hand washing day, Gurugram B1 campus observed Swachhta Pakhwada with a hand washing activity,
Fancy Dress Activity as a part of English Class for Grade 3 is organised on 06.09.24, Friday, where students came in the super heroes and heroines costumes and shared about their super power.
Field Trip to Art & Craft Village for Kinder Garten Students of AVRS Vivekam
Vinayagar Chathurthi Celebration at AVRS – Vivekam Campus. Observed our Aditya’s Eternal Mother Death Day by our X std students and seeked her blessing from heaven for their board exam. Kinder Garten Activity – Making of Lord Ganesha by using …
“I pray that Ganesha bestows you with happiness, wisdom, good health and prosperity!” “May Lord Ganpati always be by your side in every test of your life. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!” Today we celebrated Vinayagar chaturthi in our TCK BRANCH with …