We proved it yet another time. 100% result in CBSE 10th Exam Congratulations to our students for passing the exam and good luck for more excellent achievement in the future. School 1st KUMUDHAA.V – 487/500 School 2nd DIVYADHARSHNI.B – 485/500 …
Congratulations to our students on their well-deserved success and we wish them All the best for their future. School 1st HARISH .R – 491/500 School 2nd HAEMALATHA .M – 483/500 School 3rd RUTUNJAY RAO .A – 482/500 We also congratulate …
Adityans know that it’s better to be a weapon than to just have a weapon so they are on the way of being strong weapons for wellness and wholeness. Aditya’s Judo champions won laurels to the school with 8 gold, …
“Going to the eve of the landing we were high on the hopes and the excitement was brimming and parents were eagerly clicking the moment in their mobiles and waving hands at their children who were boarding the bus to …