Very glad to announce that our student S Karthika from class 10 B2 campus-Poraiyur got selected in Tata Building Essay competition in City level ( Tamil essay competition), now she will compete in state level and national level . Congratulations …
In our school Aditya’ swami vivekananda senior secondary, Thirubuvanai. “We are thrilled to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of AKSHERA from GRADE VIII who successfully participated in the ‘Pride Pondicherry ‘ drawing competition on the theme of ‘Drugless Pondicherry’ held on …
As we bid farewell to Academic Year 2024-25 for classes VI-IX at our Gurugam Campus, we celebrated the students’ achievements in a special ceremony, marking the conclusion of their final exams on 21st February 2025. The students were recognized and …
தினமலர் பட்டம் வினாடி வினா இறுதிச்சுற்றில் இருநூற்றுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட பள்ளிகள் பங்கு பெற்ற நிலையில் நம் பள்ளியைச் சேர்ந்த சாய் பக்தவசந்த் பத்தாம் வகுப்பு, டிரினிட்டா எமல்டா பதினொன்றாம் வகுப்பு இருவரும் முதல் 25 இடங்களுள் ஒன்றாக வெற்றி பெற்று பரிசுகளைப் பெற்றனர். இப்போட்டியில் பார்வையாளராக ஆறாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்கள் (22) கலந்து கொண்டனர். இதன் …
“We extend our warmest and most sincere felicitations to the victors of The BIG BANG 2025 – The Great Rotary Innovative Challenge. Amruth Sanjay Sanjith Krithiv Jayaraman The indefatigable endeavours exhibited by the students, notwithstanding the constrained timeframe, are truly …
We are thrilled to announce that Dheepak and Varshith, students of Class 9 from Aditya Vidyashramam Residential School, have emerged as winners of the state-level competition. This outstanding achievement has not only made our school proud but has also earned …
Success is the result of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” We are proud to announce that Selvi Deeba Sudar of grade XI has brought a …
Our 17 Boys Table Tennis boys for securing 1st place in School State Games Chapionship 2024-25, our 17 Boys who were the part of Football Team in securing 3rd place in School State Games Chapionship 2024-25 our Under 17 Girl …
Happy to announce that our Boys secured 1st place in Under 17 and 2nd place in Under 19 category zonal badminton championships
Aditya Vidashram proudly celebrates a monumental achievement! Our esteemed Founder Sir honored and blessed all 11 batches who qualified for the top 1500 best ideas of Ideathon. This remarkable feat showcases the innovative spirit and dedication of our students. We …